Leading Minds Webinar Series
Leading Minds Webinar Series - 2024
Virtual conversations to help live, learn, and lead in the real world
Five Essential Traits of Effective Leaders
A Deep Dive Into the Character Traits that Shape Successful Leadership and Foster Positive Culture
Aired Live: Wednesday, March 6, at 3:00 PM ET
Presented by Dwight Carter, nationally recognized school leader, speaker, and author

Dwight Carter
Dwight Carter Returns to the Leading Minds Series!
In this compelling webinar, Mr. Carter delves into the pivotal role of disposition in effective leadership, focusing on five core traits that positively impact school culture. Drawing on his own knowledge and experience as a school and district leader, he discusses how gratitude, relational skills, enthusiasm, authenticity, and teachability enhance a leader’s influence, resulting in improved academic outcomes, stronger connections with others, and a positive school culture.
What You Will Learn:
- Acquiring Core Leadership Traits: Gain insights into the five essential traits and understand how to integrate them into your leadership approach.
- Impactful Leadership Beyond Positional Power: Explore how effective and influential leadership extends beyond formal positions, focusing on character, disposition, and temperament as key drivers of success.
- Transformative Strategies for Positive School Culture: Acquire practical strategies that will enable you to foster a more positive school culture, strengthen connections, and enhance academic outcomes within your educational community.
At its conclusion, attendees will better understand how effective and influential leadership is less about the power of the position and more about the individual's character, disposition, and temperament.
About the Presenter: Dwight Carter is a nationally recognized school leader, speaker, presenter, and author from Columbus, Ohio. He was named the 2013 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year, the 2014 Academy of Arts and Science Education High School Principal of the Year, the 2015 Ohio Alliance of Black School Educators Principal of the Year, and a 2021 Columbus Afrocentric Early College Sankofa Emerging Leader Award winner. Carter is currently the Director of Student Support Systems for the Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools District in Groveport, Ohio. He is the author of Be GREAT: Five Principles to Improve School Culture from the Inside Out (IMPress 2022), the co-author of four additional books, and a contributor to several educational books and articles.