7 Mindsets Instruction Significantly Improves Student Behaviors  

A quasi-experimental study by SEG Measurement confirmed the effectiveness of 7 Mindsets instruction in improving a range of student behaviors requiring school-level discipline.

The study, conducted over five months, compared two groups of students: one receiving 7 Mindsets instruction and one group not receiving 7 Mindsets instruction.

The results confirmed that 7 Mindsets SEL solution can have a meaningful impact on improving student behavior. More specifically, the efficacy study confirmed that:

  • Students who received 7 Mindsets instruction had significantly fewer teacher referrals.
  • Students who received 7 Mindsets instruction had significantly fewer after school detentions and in-school suspensions.
  • 7 Mindsets instruction was equally effective with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, and free and reduced lunch eligibility.



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